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Hotels Embrace Smaller Meetings & LinkedIn's Video Carousel Debut

Discover how hotels are adapting to the rise of smaller meetings and learn about LinkedIn's latest feature: in-feed video carousels.
Hotels Embrace Smaller Meetings & LinkedIn's Video Carousel Debut

Welcome to the latest edition of Smart Hotel Marketing. Dive into the latest trends and insights that can help elevate your hotel's marketing strategy and stay ahead in the competitive hospitality landscape.

In today's newsletter:

  • šŸ‚ Top Fall 2024 Pinterest Trends
  • šŸ“± Instagram Tests Vertical Grid for Profile Displays
  • šŸ¢ Hotels Adjust to the Rise of Smaller Meetings and Business Gatherings
  • šŸŽžļø LinkedIn Introduces In-Feed Video Carousels
  • āœØ TIP: Best Lighting Tips for Shooting Video
  • šŸ”„ TRENDING - "Large Finger" Filter


70% of brands are most confident that LinkedIn delivers a positive return on investment for their organization. (source: Social Trends Report 2024)

Pinterestā€™s Fall 2024 Trend Report has identified key trends that are shaping consumer behavior this season, offering valuable insights for hotel marketers. As the weather cools, thereā€™s a shift towards comfort, personalization, and authenticity, with consumers looking for experiences that feel cozy and genuine.

Key Takeaways:

  • Seasonal Decor: Embrace rich fall colors and cozy aesthetics to align with consumer preferences.
  • Cozy Experiences: Promote intimate, comforting experiences like fireside gatherings to attract guests.
  • Personalization: Focus on unique, tailored experiences to enhance guest satisfaction.
  • Authenticity Matters: Engage with your audience through genuine storytelling that resonates on a personal level.

Takeaway for Hotels & Resorts: Incorporating these fall trends into your marketing strategy can help your hotel stand out and connect more deeply with guests. Emphasize authentic, cozy experiences and personalized touches to create memorable stays that align with the seasonal spirit.


Instagram Tests Vertical Grid for Profile Displays

  • Vertical Grid Testing: Instagram is experimenting with a new vertical grid display on profiles, moving away from the traditional square thumbnails.
  • Focus on Vertical Content: The shift aligns with the dominant vertical format of todayā€™s photo and video uploads, acknowledging that cropping to squares is outdated.
  • Creator-Centric Changes: Head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, emphasizes the need to support current content creators, indicating that the platform is evolving to meet their needs.

Impact on Hotels and Resorts ā€” This shift to a vertical grid could significantly impact how hotels and resorts present their visual content on Instagram. With the majority of content now in vertical formats, hotels should consider optimizing their visuals for this new layout, ensuring that their imagery and videos are well-suited to the updated display. This change is particularly important for maintaining a visually cohesive and engaging Instagram profile, which can enhance brand perception and user engagement.

Hotels Adjust to the Rise of Smaller Meetings and Business Gatherings

  • Increased Demand: The shift to remote work has led companies to organize smaller, regular in-person gatherings, boosting the demand for smaller meetings and events at hotels.
  • Business & Travel Merge: As companies merge business travel with meetings, hotels are rethinking their offerings to cater to this trend, creating potential synergies.
  • Future Growth: According to Skift's State of Travel report, the meetings industry is projected to grow significantly through 2032.

Impact on Hotels and Resorts ā€” Hotels should consider redesigning spaces to accommodate smaller meetings and events, offering flexible packages, and incorporating advanced technology to stay competitive in this growing market segment.

LinkedIn Introduces In-Feed Video Carousels

  • New Feature: LinkedIn has launched in-feed video carousels, offering a side-scrolling display of video clips tailored to user activity.
  • Rising Video Content: Video uploads on LinkedIn have surged by 34% year-over-year, making video the fastest-growing content type on the platform.
  • Appealing to Younger Audiences: This feature aims to attract younger users who are more inclined toward video content, although its long-term impact on professional engagement remains uncertain.

Impact on Hotels and Resorts ā€” LinkedInā€™s new video carousels offer an excellent opportunity for hotels to reach meeting and event planners, a key demographic on the platform. By using compelling vertical video content, hotels can more effectively showcase their event spaces, services, and customer experiences, making a stronger impact on professionals who are looking for the perfect venue for their next meeting or event.

Weā€™re sharing a TikTok trend featuring a filter that makes your fingers appear abnormally large. As the music plays, creators put four out of five fingers down, shaking the last one in a "no" motion. The text overlay asks fun, often silly, questions like "can you stop saying slay?" or "are you ever going to stop traveling so much?" Check out an example here: TikTok Video.

Why it Works?

This trend succeeds by combining humor with a universal themeā€”sticking to what you loveā€”using an exaggerated visual to make it entertaining and text to emphasize personal passions in a relatable way.

How Can Hotels + Resorts Leverage This?

Hotels can join in and use this trend to highlight what makes their locations and services exceptional:

  • Destination Love: Feature an employee shaking their finger "no," with text overlay saying, "Will you ever stop visiting [Hotel's City]?" followed by a close-up of an iconic location in that city.
  • Signature Amenities: Feature a staff member doing the trend with text like, "Will you ever get tired of our rooftop pool?" and then show guests enjoying a day at the rooftop pool.

Embrace this humorous and visually captivating trend to showcase what keeps your guests returning time and time again to your hotel!

šŸ’” TIP OF THE WEEK - Best Lighting Tips for Shooting Video

Lighting can make or break your video quality. Here are some quick tips:

  • Sun Direction: Shoot during the "Golden Hour" (morning/evening) or "Blue Hour" (just before sunrise/after sunset) for softer, cinematic light.
  • Camera Direction: Shoot on the shadow side of your subject to create depth.
  • Textures: Use shaded areas with sunlight peeking through for dynamic, textured shots in bright daylight.

Experiment with these techniques to find your style!


  • Ever wonder how we nail those epic shots? Go behind the scenes with us during our latest lifestyle shoot in San Diego and see the magic in action! šŸŽ„āœØ
  • Our CF Content Visit in Maui was nothing short of spectacular, capturing the essence of stunning suites, breathtaking ocean views, and vibrant local dining. šŸŒ“ Dive into the highlights from this unforgettable experience!